Tuesday, January 23, 2018

In the Interim - The meeting with the Principal isn't until next week! What can I do now?

Okay, so now you’ve made your appointment to speak directly to the school Principal – the ‘head honcho’ in charge.  Remember, this meeting is far too important to speak to anyone else.
In the meantime, your child is still in shambles nervously attending school, or begging you to let them remain at home.  You might ask: “How do you help your child between your scheduled meeting, and the date/time of your meeting?”

First, you need to let your child know with certainty, that you WILL intervene. Your goal is to become their ‘mouth piece’ and you will see that the bullying behaviors against him/her will end, and soon.
Your child should feel at ease that things will soon change, and for the better. You will see the burden lifted from your child’s shoulders as you console and assure them that YOU are not only listening, but YOU affirm immediate action toward peace for them.
You should also let your child realize whatever they may feel as the lowest most embarrassing thing that ever happen(s/ed) to them, they can overcome it. Most people endure embarrassment from time-to-time, wishing some things never happened, but at times things just happen. 
·         Tell your child NEVER let the Bully win.
·         Tell your child to be their own leader. 
·         Tell your child to Never let a bully manipulate them.
·         Tell your child NEVER allow a Bully to control their thoughts and/or feelings.
With practice and effective role-modeling, your child can learn to look past inappropriate, mean taunts and messages meant to hurt their feelings and demean them. 

Begin invoking Affirmation messages and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy sayings with your child. Your child needs to hear you say that the negative, unwarranted actions being placed on him/her is definitely not normal, and is not their fault. Affirmation builds self-esteem and heightens self-identity.  

Affirmations makes children feel good about themselves, and affirmations empowers children past anything a bully can ever incite upon them. 
Trust me: Affirmations and Self-fulfilling Prophecy Techniques CAN change the focus of what children achieve, what they want to achieve, and what they hope achieve. Affirmations help build a child’s inner strength, and faith in themselves over time.
Regardless of what some researchers may say, Affirmations do not give children false empowerment. You must do whatever you can to SAVE YOUR CHILD. Besides, isn’t it true? Isn’t your child wonderful? So, ask them to:
REPEAT AFTER ME                                                   

·         I am worthy
·         I am beautiful                                    
·         I am self-confident
·         I am empowered
·         I have self-pride
·         I am smart  
·         I have great social skills 
·         I am talented

Whatever you do - Let your child realize that YOU respect them, and that they are worth your intervention.

Question: “Okay, now I’ve met with the Principal, Dr. Cherrye, and you assured me that the Principal would be all ears, but guess what? This Principal is stubborn, and chooses not to listen to me.  What next?”
My answer: Don’t worry. I’ll tell you exactly what to do, so stay tuned for my next blog.

Please ensure that you grab, and download your two FREEBIES. Invite your friends and family who has children dealing with Bullying and Self-esteem issues to grab these freebies, too.




  1. Hi Cherrye! This is a wonderful, comprehensive and reassuring message for parents. It is exactly the clear and logical kind of advice that empowers parents who are experiencing this pain along with their children. Nothing is as heart wrenching as seeing one's child in emotional turmoil and fear and every child needs to know that they can look to their parents to handle this larger than life trauma and set the world right again. Keep up the excellent posts Cherrye because you surely are the 'go to' Doctor parents can count on to help them navigate those tenuous waters.

  2. Thank you, Linda. I'm trying my level best to help parents help their children with the awful acts of bullying plagued against them. It saddens me to know children hurt at the hands of a bully, but this doesn't have to remain. We must take immediate action.

    We must also get the attention of the child bully even if it means notifying their parents to take responsibility of the acts of their child.

    Thank you again for stopping by, and for your vote of confidence.

  3. Cherrye, this is an outstanding post. You have made such huge strides in your fight against bullying and racism in schools. You amaze me with your determination, courage and willingness to pursue this issue until it controlled and eradicated. Thousands of bullied kids and worried or sadly non committal parents have been affected by your efforts. I am proud to know you as a friend and inspiration to me.
