Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Your Child's Voice Piece for Peace

Please Take Action!

More and more, children are being bullied on school campuses. There has to be a push to intervene more effectively, but how?

Administrators: At the beginning of each school year, consider mandating staff development sessions on bullying. We need teachers/staff members to receive training on how to identify children who are likely targets of bullying, but most importantly, we need you to target school bullies. Afterward, we have to depend on you to train your ENTIRE staff.

Children who are likely targets of bullying: 
  • Children who are new on a campus (other children already established their friends, and now the new child is an outcast trying to find friends)
  • Sometimes, children who are scholars may become targets
  • Children in the minority on school campuses 
  • Children from diverse, or low-socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Jealousy is a huge factor in bullying, too
  • Children with learning challenges
  • Children with physical challenges

All these listed above, breaks my heart, but educators can play a huge role in the intervention process.

Administrators: On the first day of school, ask your teachers/staff to look for patterns.
These patterns may include:

1. What child has not been included within a table group?
2. What child has not been chosen to play a game/sport?
3. What child is sitting alone in the cafeteria?
4. What child seems lost or lonely?
5. What child is sitting or walking alone on the playground?
6. What child appears sad all the time?
Administrators: Train teachers to teach children not to become bystanders watching cruelty happen. Train teachers to role-model how some behaviors may hurt others (their peers).

We need teachers in our classrooms focusing on Social-Emotional Learning techniques.
Train teachers to help children with social issues. Help children understand the ('this could be me' syndrome). Children need to consider how it would feel to be an outcast at school, thus — the need to include their peers (those that are left out) of groups. 
Empower children to become leaders who are doing great things for others in need.

Yes, it’s sad to think that we must deal with bullying issues along with educating our children. Isn’t this the real reason our children are in school - to learn? Instead, we are dealing with adverse behaviors called bullying. Yes, bullying! Bullying hurts and can lead to unthinkable actions, so we must act fast and intervene. Our children deserve to attend safe schools free from the terrible acts of bullying behaviors. We are our children’s greatest advocates against bullying.
If your child has been a victim of constant bullying, please download my FREE parent resource guide titled: 

Website: cherryesbooksthatsow.com 
The Bully Band Parents in Rhythm - FREE -
Download today! Click Here
I used these tools when my own child was bullied in school, and they work. Know your rights. Intervene and become your child's voice piece for peace.

Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.
Books That Sow Strength, Character & Diversity

Monday, November 13, 2017

Help Your Children Affirm Their Greatness!

Dear Parents,

I want to ensure your children feel great about self-identity, have great self-esteem and are armored with 'feel good' thoughts and affirmations. School is in full session now, so you may see changes in your child's affect (their mood change).

School is in Full Session

School has been in session now for about 2.5-3 months, so the 'honeymoon' is over. Children are now more comfortable in their daily routines, and feel comfortable with not only their paths, but their friendships, and actions. While this is a great doing, we must also realize that some children may not be focused solely on academics, but their behaviors may have taken a different turn. With this in mind, we must make certain that we're having daily talks with our children. We must ensure they have healthy outlooks on life, and they feel comfortable in their own 'skin'. But how can we do this?

Affirmation Techniques

Definition of Affirmation

Affirmations are voiced, or written by a person confirming and declaring who they are, what they are, and what they want to do and/or become in life. Affirmations are tools of creative faith and strong certainty, each believed to be true by the individual.

Positive Affirmations will lift up a person's self-esteem, so make certain the affirmations you bestow on children are very positive and motivating, please.

Some Theorists Believe

Now let's be clear. Some researchers maintain that telling children they are this or that in positive ways, only sets them up for false truths. If you are one who believes this theory, it's perfectly okay to tell children how great they are along with what you have determined is a long-term growth/need/or improvement, BUT - I believe this can be done in a positive, healthy way.
For example: If your child has an issue with keeping his/her room tidy, you certainly don't want to tell them a false tale that you like how that they keep their rooms clean. Rather, you could say, "I love how organized you are with keeping your Math folder organized, how can we work toward keeping your room just as tidy? Together, let's work on a plan-of-action." You can involve your child in the planning stages of how to keep his/her room tidier.

Affirmation Prompts (few examples)

I affirm love for myself. Here's how:
I affirm love and joy in my life
I affirm that I am a true friend
I affirm responsibility
I affirm making right choices in my life
I affirm peace in my life
I affirm empowerment
I affirm positive leadership
I affirm social problem-solving skills

Each of these affirmation prompts above can be expanded. Please assist children with writing meaningful sentences that will really help them evolve, and impact their lives as they advance into greatness.

For example:

I Affirm Social Problem-Solving Skills

I affirm taking charge of my own problems in life. I always solve problems by first taking these steps:

I affirm taking on academics that I've never learned before as a challenge to learn more. Today I will learn:

Tomorrow, I affirm and plan to:

Another example:

I Affirm Responsibility

I affirm making sure I know what my homework assignment is before leaving school because:

I affirm that I will complete my homework in a timely manner because:

I affirm that I will turn my homework assignment(s) in to my teacher(s) each morning because my homework is:

Another example:

I Affirm Belief in Myself

I affirm and believe that I am:

I affirm and believe that I can:

I affirm and believe that I am intelligent because:

I affirm recognition of my talents, abilities and skills. So far, I've:

Affirmations can be used as a tool to encourage increased empowerment. Please guide and empower children. Give them the self-confidence needed to persevere. Affirmations can help change the focus of what children achieve, what they want to achieve, and what they hope to achieve.

Affirmation Daybook Journal by: Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Affirmation-Daybook-Cherrye-Vasquez-Ph-D/dp/1469914573/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1510591718&sr=8-1