As a children’s book author, I’m always thinking of ways to
get children interested in reading, so whenever I happen upon great ideas
from others, I am thrilled.
My own plan is to offer Reading Contests and perhaps a Book Scavenger Hunt during the upcoming months. Hopefully, children will have fun with these
two activities, so stay tuned for what’s to come. I’ll be sure to keep you posted,
and hopefully your children engaged.
To me, reading makes the world go round-and-round as it connects
us to every other subject matter there is such as English, Biology, Social Studies, and
yes, even Math, to name a select few. I believe reading is at the core of everything that we do.
There are times however, that some children are just not
exposed to reading, and they are not to blame, so when people become clever
finding ways to help children connect to books, it makes my heart sing.
I recall my daughter coming home from school one afternoon sharing with me a Reading passage that caught her attention from her state mandated STAAR exam, titled: Little Free Libraries, but it wasn’t until recently (last week in fact), when we were traveling through a street in a Houston Heights neighborhood, that she excitedly pointed at this beautifully adorn-mainly bright yellow-colored wooden fixture that was mounted on a wooden post just in front of a home sitting on a corner lot. My kid was driving that day, so at my request she turned the car around, so that I could marvel at the fixture with her, as she continued to share and remind me of the passage she'd read.

I asked my daughter what she thought about me adding a couple of my
children's books to the ones already in the library box (I'm so happy I keep extras in my trunk), and she consented
it would probably be okay, so she popped open the trunk, and I pulled out six of my books (2 sets of 3) adding them to the wonderful collection
of books already neatly stacked inside.
It made my day complete donating to the Little
Free Library located in the Houston Heights. I'm not sure how often the children come to this box, but I hope they'll notice 3 new books, and enjoy reading them. Perhaps I'll hear from one or two of them one day.
Parents can
give children the gift of
reading making it magical -- and here’s how:
must see parents interested in reading
should read to their children often
can share Reading time with their children
* read every other page, or
* every other chapter, or
* every other paragraph
can role-model reading with enthusiasm
can read using inflection in their voices
can ask questions about paragraphs, or main points of the story
can create (build) home libraries
yes, even creative ideas such as the Little Free Libraries

Learn more about 'Little Free Libraries' and how it all got started at: